Samsung Beats Apple in Japanese Patent Lawsuit, And Now Apple Owes Samsung Money [Apple Vs Samsung]
Source: - Friday, August 31, 2012
# applevssamsung Samsung's faring a lot better in east Asian courts than it has in the US. A Japanese judge has ruled that the Korean company's phones and tablets did not violate Apple's patents , and has ordered Apple to pay all of Samsung's legal fees. More »
Gov. Mitt Romney Acceptance Speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention: Obama Wants to “Slow the Rise of the Oceans, I Want to Help You and Your Family” – Complete Video 8/30/12
Source: - Thursday, August 30, 2012
Here is complete video of Gov. Mitt Romney delivering his acceptance speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention tonight. Romney shared his own personal story and then called Americans to join him in turning the nation’s economy around and restoring America to her founding principles. Romney made the pledge that while Barack Obama promises the sky – things like “slowing the rise of the oceans” and causing the “planet to heal” – he will be devoted to “helping you and your family.” This was a great speech by Mitt Romney!