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Retreat, Hell! Unless The Enemy's Name Is Isaac

Retreat, Hell! Unless The Enemy's Name Is Isaac

Source: - Wednesday, August 29, 2012
They sandbagged the doors, and then they fled. Almost 4,500 Marines and sailors made a mass exodus from Florida yesterday for drier tides in Georgia. Leaders gave the order Sunday for the coastline around Naval Air Station Pensacola to be emptied no later than Tuesday. By Tuesday night, the servicemembers were put up in a Marine logistics base in Albany Georgia, just out of range of serious weather. Spokesperson Marine 1st Lt. Kyle Thomas told The Albany Herald that the overflow of personnel would find a home in warehouses with cots and outdoor showers tents until the storm blows over. Please follow Military & Defense on Twitter and Facebook . Join the conversation about this story »

SkyDrive Brings Its Cloud Storage Service to Android

Source: - Tuesday, August 28, 2012
SkyDrive for Android phones now available

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