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How Small of Obama on the RNC, ‘It should be a pretty entertaining show’ … As the GOP Governors Beat Obama Up with Barack’s “You Did Not Build It” Comment and Wowed the Crowd

How Small of Obama on the RNC, ‘It should be a pretty entertaining show’ … As the GOP Governors Beat Obama Up with Barack’s “You Did Not Build It” Comment and Wowed the Crowd

Source: - Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Barack Obama, Lost in smallness yet again , add in some snark and a dash of sarcasm as he commented on the RNC, ‘It should be a pretty entertaining show’. Just how petty could this president get? Dear Mr. President, it may have been truthfully entertaining; however, it was more enlightening, inspiring and invigorating! Let me inform Barack Obama and the Democrats, don’t look now but the GOP has a young, deep, diverse bench. The GOP trotted out rock star after rock star governors that took Obama’s failed economic polices apart. Governors Nikki Haley (SC), Scott Walker (WI), John Kasich (OH) to name a few took to the stage and politically beat Obama upside his head with his ridiculous and foolish comment to small business owners that “you did not build it”. Then there was Keynote speaker New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie who reminded Obama, “real leaders do not follow polls, real leaders change polls.” As stated at Hot Air , “a whole gamut of Republican governors did indeed take to the stage to refute your erroneous “top-down” baloney this evening, in the knowledge that a huge, meddlesome bureaucracy that thinks it knows best and taxes success is the real definition of “top-down.” The GOP governors told the success stories of their own states recoveries that were polar opposites of Obama’s failed bottom up, middle out, government dependent nanny state agenda. Ohio Gov. Kasich like I have never heard hims before, “We need a new partner

Daily ETF Roundup: Isaac Strikes, Beige Book Tells Mixed Story

Source: - Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The release of the Fed’s Beige Book today left investors even more leery ahead of Chairman Ben Bernanke’s speech on Friday. In the minutes from the last FOMC meeting, the Fed had given the markets yet another strong signal that it is preparing to take action to boost the nation’s lackluster recovery, but had emphasized that further measures would not be taken if the economy was back on track for a substantial and sustainable recovery. And with the indications made in today’s Beige Book, many are concerned that these “stipulations” the Fed has put on will leave many investors disappointed with Bernanke’s speech at Jackson Hole. According to the Beige book, the economy continued to show improvement in July and early August, but cited that manufacturing activity was weaker across the country. In line with the Fed’s assessment, a revision of the U.S.’s second quarter GDP also came in better than expected, showing an economic expansion of 1.7%. Despite multiple signs painting a much brighter picture for the economy, trading was muted as investors continued to remain cautious [find ETFs for every investment objective with the ETF Screener ]. Global Market Overview: Isaac Strikes, Beige Book Tells Mixed Story All three major indexes managed to eke out modest gains on the day, with tech-heavy Nasdaq ( QQQ ) logging its fourth-straight session higher. The S&P 500 ( SPY ) gained a mere 0.08%, led by a strong performance of telecom stocks.

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