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Flipboard “TV”: New Curated Video Sections

Flipboard “TV”: New Curated Video Sections

Source: - Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Combine watching videos with the print-magazine experience, and you get our new “TV” sections: the newest addition to the Flipboard Content Guide. Flip through pages of videos—powered by popular YouTube channels—organized into topics like cooking and news. Whether you enjoy inspirational talks, science experiments or live music, these curated video sections are guaranteed to entertain and inform,

2012 GOP convention live, thread #11: It's Paul Ryan vs. Medicare

Source: - Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Watch live video here and join the conversation as we live blog the 2012 GOP convention. 7:54 PM PT : I think we're getting to the part of the speech where Rich Lowry gets starbursts for Ryan. 7:55 PM PT : Wow, Paul Ryan really doesn't like President Obama, does he? 7:55 PM PT : Still waiting for him to talk about Ayn Rand. 7:57 PM PT : Ryan lists his private sector experience: Waiting tables, washing dishes, and mowing lawns. He rages against the "sanctimony of the central planners." Which is exactly why he's spent almost his entire life working for the federal government. Ryan is three years older than me, but even though I also was a Capitol Hill staffer, I've got a decade more private sector experience than does he. 7:58 PM PT : Paul Ryan: "Being successful in business...that's a good thing." How would he know? He's been in Congress since he was 28, and worked as a congressional staffer before that. 8:02 PM PT : "Together we can do this," Ryan says. Sorry, dude, you can't. You're going to lose in November. 8:03 PM PT : "Thank you, and God bless you all," Ryan says. And that's it. His kids come out and give him hugs. 8:06 PM PT (Kaili Joy Gray): Next thread here .

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